Tips and Information

March 14, 2014

To Become A Member

1.  Go to
2.  Click on “Free Sign Up”
3.  Register To become a Member by filling out your Account Info

To Setup Profile: (If you did not do so when you became a member)

1.  Go to and log into your account. (top right of the homepage)
2.  Go to My account (top right of homepage)
3.  Under “My account” go to “Edit QR Code iD Profile”
4.  Remove default information, and enter your information


To associate a new code with your profile

1.  Go to and log into your account. (top right of the homepage)
2.  Go to My account (top right of homepage)
3.  Under “My account” go to “Add An Existing Code”
4.  Enter new code


* Practice logging in and changing your profile info in real time so that in an emergency you will be able to update your status quickly.
*We recommend that you do not use last names or addresses in the public profile
*Additional information can be special medical, safety and behavioral concerns.
*Set up your secure password protected site.  This can be seen when you or anyone you give the extra password to view the profile, but   not from the code being scanned by a non-member.  You can keep important info here that you may want to access in an emergency, or practical info you might want your babysitter to see.
*Have your loved one wear the code and practice standing still while you scan the code. This will help them know what to expect.  If they can point to the code, or ask for it to be scanned this will be even better.
*Cover a few numbers of code, or just crinkle the fabric when taking a picture of the person, so that it cannot be scanned from wherever the picture gets posted.

(661) 524-6732 infoqrcodeid




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