Autism Awareness Children’s safety book
Safety Concern turns into a Children’s book for Autism Awareness
By Natasha Barber
When my son Joshua was seven years old, he did not have the skills to wait for anything. For example, when his iPad would buffer, Joshua had to wait for his show to continue, instead he would get upset and elope. This was a real safety concern because he would run and not look at where or what he was running into. During his autism therapy sessions, Joshua came up with a little song that he would use to cope with when being asked to wait. His The Waiting Song was turned into a picture book that other kiddos can use to help them cope with the same skills.
Joshua slowly developed the skills of waiting and patience
by singing his song and his elopement behavior slowly vanished; our safety concern for Joshua running into dangerous situations were no longer as serious a concern. We will always remain alert because Joshua doesn’t yet understand all the dangers around him and what can cause him harm, but with his tune, Joshua can cope with his emotions better, reframe the situation, and not bolt away from a safe environment.
A beautifully illustrated children’s book
The Waiting Song is a beautifully illustrated children’s book that gives readers a small look into the world of a child with autism. Children will meet Nigel, a four-year-old hedgehog, who is a lot like his other classmates, but unlike other students, he doesn’t talk or say many words. Nigel is not very good at waiting or taking turns but with the help of his mom, teacher and his Waiting Song, he learns to be more patient.
This wonderful book teaches children about autism while teaching the importance of being polite and waiting your turn. I hope that by capturing Joshua’s little song in a Children’s Book, it will help teach toddlers Autism Awareness and encourage understanding and acceptance of other children with Autism or other disabilities one book at a time.
Natasha Barber is an ASD advocate and creator of the non-profit Autism Moms Know Safety. She is also the author of numerous children’s books include the Tommy’s Lessons Book Series. She has appeared in numerous parenting blogs, as well as has her own blog in which she shares safety resources and tips to educate and raise autism awareness for those on the spectrum, while also providing solutions and essential tools that can help prevent wandering and elopement for guardians and dependents. Natasha’s autism employment advocacy at General Motors was also recognized with an an Apex Champion Employer Award and Private Sector Employer of the Year from the CAREERS & the disABLED magazine in April of 2018. You can follow her at and AMKS.Life.
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